
The Heart Knows What The Heart Wants
2.5 stars
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I think I could have given this book more stars... if it wasn't for the ending.
I really liked the story, Star is a broken girl that doesn't know who she is anymore and lives her life in a haze produced by her abusive boyfriend and her "man-dependant" mother. Until one day she snaps out of it and runs away.
Shane is a kid that had to grow up way too fast and, of course, made a hell of a mess trying to do it. He finally puts his life together but he's still a bit lost... until he meets Star.
Up until here, good.
Now, at the begining Star is portrayed as someone who's been through a whole lot and has a few cross wires in her head --like enjoying sex with someone that has just beat her up-- but as soon as she leaves town she seems someone entirely different. When she starts her new life she's suddenly more shy, less sexual or aggresive... she's kind of a lamb... and someone in that position should be more guarded and suspicious, shouldn't it? Or at least not capable of trusting complete strangers from day one, no matter how good those people are. I just didn't get exactly who she was.
Still, I liked the story and I was about to give it 4 or maybe 4.5 stars... until I read the last 3 chapters: Ugh!
The whole scene when she's attacked by Derek, a scene that we were basically waiting the whole book because we knew he was going to find a way to get to her sooner or later... it was described really fast, like if the author just wanted to get it over with. The rape wasn't even uncomfortable to read because it was just another of Derek sex scenes (he has more sex on the book than the main couple), and the same is applied to his death or Shane and Star's "reunion" in the hospital. There's no mention whatsoever of her recovery or how much time passed until their wedding or her medical problems to conceive, which were magically resolved.
That was no way to end a book that was going pretty well, all things considered. I'm just saying.
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